Do you need more cat content? If so, please read FURther!
You can expect to find a PDF of my e-Book, “Just One More Purr”, a cat care guide; as well as the full e-book version of “A Collection of Cats”, short stories to enjoy; on my free shared link below.
There are also some badly drawn cat graphics that I've created that you can download and do whatever you want with them. (Only the 2 books are subject to copyright.)
Free content will be up through the Spring & Summer, and is open to anyone everywhere, all at once. You can return to get more! Click here to access my Google Drive Share!
If you’re enjoying the content, I’d appreciate it if you bought me a Ko-Fi. They accept a wide range of payment methods, and I do get the tips right away. You may also buy the Just One More Purr print book on Amazon, which has been updated in 2024, or the print version of A Collection of Cats, all by me, Melanie Dixon.
Visit Melanie Dixon's Buy Me a Ko-Fi Link Here!
Thank you so much for your support! I hope you enjoy your free cat goodies!